
2017 Goals

I want this year to be the year of “sprint-cleaning” of my life: re-define what I want; remove, part with everything that doesn’t make me happy, improve my life every single day even if it’s just by a little bit.

  • Personal: Improve my physical / mental health and increase my energy level:
    • loose weight
    • learn to meditate
    • take vitamins daily
    • exercise at least 3 times a week – the ultimate goal is to have daily runs and/or other fitness activity
    • figure out what is the optimal amount of sleep for me and make sure I get good rest every day


  • Business: Develop the Mobile and Web Applications I have in mind and create the brand:
    • write out requirements for the application
    • create wire-frames
    • define architecture
    • post jobs/hire developers
    • tbd on product and brand development


  • Family: Make real progress toward paperless house, organized, minimalist life.
    • automate, simplify, define routines and processes wherever is possible
    • go through stuff in our house and throw away, donate, sell everything that doesn’t bring joy

There are other activities that I would like to keep up with / maintain in 2017:

  • Grow my Amazon business, even if just by a little bit every month
  • Prioritize house improvement projects and start working on some of them